Our New Project

Crying Needs of 41 New Believers’ Families:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Heavenly Creator,

Please keep continuous prayer for the members of the 41 homeless families. All of them has lost their lands, home by the river Jamuna of Bangladesh. As a result, at present they are facing too much difficulties for satisfying the basic need of their children’s. Now Tube Well is the crying need for drinking clean water. I am mentioning few points which may help the readers to develop a better understanding to identify the reasons why “Tube Well (Pump” is the crying needs for the members of the new believers’ families?

******NEED ANALYSIS:*******

** The Reasons Why Tube-Well(Pump) is their Crying Need?

According to the statistic WHO it has found that water is a fundamental human need. Each person on earth requires at least 20 to 50 liters of clean, safe water a day for drinking, cooking and simply keeping themselves clean. However practically it is found that the members of the 41 families are drinking and using the polluted water for their household activities. I am attaching the image of the water which may help the reader to develop a better understanding to identify the reason why a tube well is so important for ensuring their health and safety

Risk for their Health:

According to the research of the doctors it is found that unhealthy toilet system and using unclean water is the main source of their sickness such as diarrhea, stomach problem and skin disease etc.


All humans should have the right to satisfy their emergency basic needs because our Heavenly Creator has created us with His own image (Genesis: 1:26-27). However, practically they are not getting any opportunities from the Bangladesh government even from the Local, National, and International NGO.


This donation will be a dynamic blessing for the listed members of the 41 neediest families and also for ensuring the stability of International Welfare Health Organization of Bangladesh (IWHOB). I am mentioning few points for developing a better understanding to identify the significance of the outcomes of this support such as:

  • It will allow them to reduce the sickness of the members of the 41 new believer’s family
  • This support will be helpful for ensuring the health and safety environment for the members of the 41 new believers’ families
  • This support will help them to improve the physical growth of the children and the life style of the 41 new believers’ families.
  • In same time this donation will be helpful for ensuring the stability of our ministry for glorifying the name of our heavenly Father

Budget : $ 800.00/-

Pictures of 34 New Believer Families

Crying Needs of 34 New Believers’ Families:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

With the greetings of Advanced Merry Christmas on the behalf of the 34 new believers’ families, I am keeping prayer request for satisfying their crying needs which are Sanitary Toilets .

On the (September 29, 2019) I got the opportunity to preach God’s message among the new believers’ families. In particularly I would like to mention that after the worship, I have done the risk mapping on the living environment of these 34 new believers’ families. From the analysis (Risk Mapping on the 34 new Believers’ Families), I am mentioning few points which may help the readers to develop a better understanding to identify the reasons why “Sanitary Toilet” are the crying needs for the members of the new believers’ families?

Image of the Practical life style of the members of the new believers’ families.


The Reasons Why Sanitary Toilet is their Crying Need?

Risk for Health and Safety: Toilet use is essential to the survival and development of all children of the world. However practically it is found that there are many children still they are neglected from the government, neighbor also from the helping hands of the national and International NGO. Dear Brother and Sister in Christ, I am attaching the image of the toilet which is the members of the 34  families are using

Risk for Health and Safety:

Toilet use is essential to the survival and development of all children of the world. However practically it is found that there are many children still they are neglected from the government, neighbor also from the helping hands of the national and International NGO. Dear Brother and Sister in Christ, I am attaching the image of the toilet which is the members of the 34  families are using .

Risk for the Women:

For woman and girls, sanitation is important for their health, safety and dignity. For women and adolescent girls toilets provide a space to manage their menstrual hygiene. But practically the women and adolescent girls of the 34 new believers’ families are facing sexual harassment by using their toilets.

Risk for the life of Children:

According to the declaration of UN all children have the right for satisfying their basic needs but practically the children of our 34 new believers’ families are not getting the opportunity of Child’s right! For illustration I would like to mention many times the children have fall down into the hole of the open toilet but still they are using the same toilet. I have attached the image of the children for developing a better understanding to identify the significance of toilet for the members of the 34 families.

They are Child Education Place
They are Child Education Place


  1. All humans should have the right to satisfy their emergency basic needs because our Heavenly Creator has created us with His own image (Genesis: 1:26-27). However, practically they are not getting any opportunities from the Bangladesh government even from the Local, National, and International NGO.
  2. We are preaching among them for satisfying their spiritual needs.


This donation will be a dynamic blessing for the listed members of the 34 neediest families and also for ensuring the stability of our ministry. I am mentioning few points for developing a better understanding to identify the significance of the outcomes of this support such as:

  • This support will be helpful for ensuring the health and safety environment for the members of the 34 new believers’ families.
  • It will allow them to reduce the sickness of their children and able to save the 35% incomes
  • This support will help them to improve the physical growth of the children and the life style of the 34 new believers’ families.
  • In same time this donation will be helpful for ensuring the stability of our ministry for glorifying the name of our heavenly Father.

Budget : $ 2200.00/-

More Pictures of 34 New Believer Families

Ground Breaking Ceremony
